Pavel Golubev
Senior lecturer
My research area is nuclear structure physics.
Brief CV
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Lyckat experiment banar väg för nytt grundämne
Johan Joelsson, Lena Björk Blixt
Web publicationToward the Discovery of New Elements: Production of Livermorium (Z=116) with 50Ti
J. M. Gates, R. Orford, D. Rudolph, C. Appleton, B. M. Barrios, et al.
(2024) Physical Review Letters, 133
Journal articleAnti-Compton shield for Compex germanium detector modules
Yuliia Hrabar, Luis Sarmiento Pico, Pavel Golubev, O. Bobovnikov, Daniel Cox, et al.
(2023) Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment, 1056
Journal articleSearch for Weak Side Branches in the Electromagnetic Decay Paths of the 6526-keV 10+ Isomer in 54Fe
Paul Böhm, Yuliia Hrabar, Dirk Rudolph, Pavel Golubev, Luis Sarmiento Pico, et al.
(2023) Atoms, 11
Journal articleSpectroscopy along flerovium decay chains. III. Details on experiment, analysis, 282Cn, and spontaneous fission branches
A. Såmark-Roth, D. M. Cox, D. Rudolph, L. G. Sarmiento, M. Albertsson, et al.
(2023) Physical Review C, 107
Journal articleSpectroscopy along flerovium decay chains. II. Fine structure in odd-A 289Fl
D. M. Cox, A. Såmark-Roth, D. Rudolph, L. G. Sarmiento, R. M. Clark, et al.
(2023) Physical Review C, 107
Journal articleElucidating the nature of the proton radioactivity and branching ratio on the first proton emitter discovered 53mCo
Luis Sarmiento Pico, Thomas Roger, J Giovinazzo, B. Alex Brown, Blank Blank, et al.
(2023) Nature Communications, 14
Journal articleOn the adsorption and reactivity of element 114, flerovium
A. Yakushev, L. Lens, Ch.E. Düllmann, J. Khuyagbaatar, E. Jäger, et al.
(2022) Frontiers in Chemistry, 10
Journal articleReinterpretation of excited states in 212Po: Shell-model multiplets rather than α-cluster states
A. Fernández, A. Jungclaus, P. Golubev, D. Rudolph, L. G. Sarmiento, et al.
(2021) Physical Review C, 104
Journal articleNew high-sensitivity searches for neutrons converting into antineutrons and/or sterile neutrons at the HIBEAM/NNBAR experiment at the European Spallation Source
A Addazi, S Ansell, K S Babu, J L Barrow, D V Baxter, et al.
(2021) Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 48
Journal articleSimulations of light collection in long tapered CsI(Tl) scintillators using real crystal surface data and comparisons to measurement
A. Knyazev, J. Park, P. Golubev, J. Cederkäll, H. Alvarez-Pol, et al.
(2021) Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment, 1003
Journal articleSpectroscopy along flerovium decay chains: Discovery of 280Ds and an excited state in 282Cn
Anton Såmark-Roth, Daniel Cox, Dirk Rudolph, Luis Sarmiento Pico, Gillis Carlsson, et al.
(2021) Physical Review Letters, 126
Journal articleSearch for elements 119 and 120
J. Khuyagbaatar, A. Yakushev, Ch. E. Düllmann, D. Ackermann, L.-L. Andersson, et al.
(2020) Physical Review C, 102
Journal articleSpectroscopic Tools Applied to Flerovium Decay Chains
D. M. Cox, A. Såmark-Roth, D. Rudolph, L.G. Sarmiento, C. Fahlander, et al.
(2020) Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1643
Journal articleProbing the Z = 6 spin-orbit shell gap with (p,2p) quasi-free scattering reactions
I. Syndikus, M. Petri, A. O. Macchiavelli, S. Paschalis, C. A. Bertulani, et al.
(2020) Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 809
Journal articleTl concentration and its variation in a CsI(Tl) crystal for the CALIFA detector
A. Knyazev, J. Park, P. Golubev, J. Pallon, J. Cederkall, et al.
(2020) Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 975
Journal articleBenchmarking the PreSPEC@GSI experiment for Coulex-multipolarimetry on the π(p3/2) → π(p1/2) spin-flip transition in 85Br
P. Napiralla, C. Fahlander, P. Golubev, N. Lalović, D. Rudolph, et al.
(2020) European Physical Journal A. Hadrons and Nuclei, 56
Journal articleCompex: a cubic germanium detector
A. Såmark-Roth, D. M. Cox, J. Eberth, P. Golubev, D. Rudolph, et al.
(2020) European Physical Journal A. Hadrons and Nuclei, 56
Journal articleSearch for proton emission of the isomeric 10+ state in 54Ni
K. Stahl, A. Wendt, P. Reiter, D. Rudolph, A. Blazhev, et al.
(2020) European Physical Journal A, 56
Journal articlePerformance recovery of long CsI(Tl) scintillator crystals with APD-based readout
P. Cabanelas, D. González, H. Alvarez-Pol, J. M. Boillos, E. Casarejos, et al.
(2020) Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 965
Journal articleLow-lying electric dipole γ-continuum for the unstable 62,64Fe nuclei: Strength evolution with neutron number
R. Avigo, O. Wieland, A. Bracco, F. Camera, F. Ameil, et al.
(2020) Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 811
Journal articleCommissioning of the CALIFA Barrel Calorimeter of the R3B Experiment at FAIR
P. Cabanelas, H. Alvarez-Pol, J. M. Boillos, E. Casarejos, J. Cederkall, et al.
(2020) Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1667
Conference paperIsospin dependence of electromagnetic transition strengths among an isobaric triplet
A. Boso, S. A. Milne, M. A. Bentley, F. Recchia, S. M. Lenzi, et al.
(2019) Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 797
Journal articleQuasi-free neutron and proton knockout reactions from light nuclei in a wide neutron-to-proton asymmetry range
M. Holl, Joakim Cederkäll, Pavel Golubev, K. Zuber
(2019) Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 795 p.682-688
Journal articleFusion reaction 48Ca + 249Bk leading to formation of the element Ts (Z=117)
J. Khuyagbaatar, A. Yakushev, Ch E. Düllmann, D. Ackermann, L. L. Andersson, et al.
(2019) Physical Review C, 99
Journal articleβ Decay of 127Cd and Excited States in 127In
Ch Lorenz, L. G. Sarmiento, D. Rudolph, P. Golubev, T. Eronen, et al.
(2019) Physical Review C, 99
Journal articleProperties of the CsI(Tl) detector elements of the CALIFA detector
Alexander Knyazev, Joochun Park, Pavel Golubev, Joakim Cederkäll, H Alvarez-Pol, et al.
(2019) Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment, 940 p.393-404
Journal articleTests of CALIFA Barrel modules at CCB in Krakow
Joochun Park, B. Heiss, A.-L. Hartig, H. Alvarez-Pol, G. Bruni, et al.
(2018) GSI-FAIR Scientific Report
Report chapterThe quality assurance test stand for CALIFA APDs
H. B. Rhee, A.-L. Hartig, H Alvarez-Pol, G Bruni, E. Casarejos, et al.
(2018) GSI Report , p.162-162
Report chapterPMT saturation due to large dynamic range
G. Bruni, P. Díaz Fernández, H. T. Johansson, A. Heinz, T. Nilsson, et al.
(2018) GSI Report , p.161-161
Report chapterResponse and resolution measurements of CALIFA CsI(Tl) detectors
Alexander Knyazev, Joochun Park, H. Alvarez-Pol, G. Bruni, E. Casarejos, et al.
(2018) GSI Helmholtzzentrum f¨ur Schwerionenforschung , p.159-159
Report chapterLow-lying states in 219Ra and 215Rn : Sampling microsecond α-decaying nuclei
A. Såmark-Roth, L. G. Sarmiento, D. Rudolph, J. Ljungberg, B. G. Carlsson, et al.
(2018) Physical Review C, 98
Journal articleStudy of Non-fusion Products in the 50Ti+249Cf Reaction
A. Di Nitto, J. Khuyagbaatar, D. Ackermann, L. L. Andersson, E. Badura, et al.
(2018) Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 784 p.199-205
Journal articleStrong Neutron Pairing in core+4n Nuclei
A. Revel, F. M. Marqués, O. Sorlin, T. Aumann, C. Caesar, et al.
(2018) Physical Review Letters, 120
Journal articleStudy of isomeric states in 198,200,202,206Pb and 206Hg populated in fragmentation reactions
Nataša Lalović, Dirk Rudolph, Zsolt Podolyák, Luis Sarmiento Pico, E.C. Simpson, et al.
(2018) Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 45
Journal articleQuasifree (p,pN) scattering of light neutron-rich nuclei near N=14
P. Díaz Fernández, H. Alvarez-Pol, R. Crespo, E. Cravo, L. Atar, et al.
(2018) Physical Review C, 97
Journal articleQuasifree (p, 2p) Reactions on Oxygen Isotopes : Observation of Isospin Independence of the Reduced Single-Particle Strength
L. Atar, S. Paschalis, C. Barbieri, C. A. Bertulani, P. Díaz Fernández, et al.
(2018) Physical Review Letters, 120
Journal articleStructure of Be 13 studied in proton knockout from B 14
G. Ribeiro, Vladimir Avdeichikov, Joakim Cederkäll, Pavel Golubev, K. Zuber
(2018) Physical Review C, 98
Journal articleEffective proton-neutron interaction near the drip line from unbound states in F 25,26
M. Vandebrouck, A. Lepailleur, O. Sorlin, T. Aumann, C. Caesar, et al.
(2017) Physical Review C, 96
Journal articleThe large enriched germanium experiment for neutrinoless double beta decay (LEGEND)
N. Abgrall, A. Abramov, N. Abrosimov, I. Abt, M. Agostini, et al.
(2017) Workshop on Calculation of Double-Beta-Decay Matrix Elements, MEDEX 2017, 1894
Conference paperQuantum-state-selective decay spectroscopy of 213Ra
Ch Lorenz, L. G. Sarmiento, D. Rudolph, D. E. Ward, M Block, et al.
(2017) Physical Review C, 96
Journal articleHigh-precision mass measurements for the isobaric multiplet mass equation at A = 52
D. A. Nesterenko, A. Kankainen, L. Canete, M Block, D. M. Cox, et al.
(2017) Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 44
Journal articleLifetime measurement of neutron-rich even-even molybdenum isotopes
D. Ralet, S. Pietri, T. Rodríguez, M. Alaqeel, T. Alexander, et al.
(2017) Physical Review C: covering nuclear physics, 95
Journal articleDetermination of the neutron-capture rate of C 17 for r -process nucleosynthesis
M. Heine, S. Typel, M. R. Wu, T Adachi, Y. Aksyutina, et al.
(2017) Physical Review C: covering nuclear physics, 95
Journal articleUpgrade and Commissioning of the Lund-York-Cologne CAlorimeter
Bo Fu, Kai Wolf, Peter Reiter, M.A. Bentley, P. J. Coleman-Smith, et al.
(2017) GSI Scientific Report, 2017-1 p.190-191
Book chapterIdentification of Reaction Products in 50Ti+249Cf Reactions at TASCA
A. Di Nitto, J. Khuyagbaatar, D. Ackermann, J. Adamczewski-Musch, Lise-Lotte Andersson, et al.
(2017) GSI Scientific Report, 2017-1 p.203-203
Book chapterRelativistic Coulomb excitation of 88Kr
K. Moschner, A. Blazhev, J. Jolie, N. Warr, P. Boutachkov, et al.
(2016) Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics, 94
Journal articleRole of the Δ Resonance in the Population of a Four-Nucleon State in the 56Fe → 54Fe Reaction at Relativistic Energies
Zs Podolyák, C. M. Shand, Natasa Lalovic, J. Gerl, D. Rudolph, et al.
(2016) Physical Review Letters, 117
Journal articleA new assessment of the alleged link between element 115 and element 117 decay chains
U. Forsberg, D. Rudolph, C. Fahlander, P. Golubev, L.G. Sarmiento, et al.
(2016) Physics Letters. Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 760 p.293-296
Journal articleRecoil-α-fission and recoil-α-α-fission events observed in the reaction 48Ca + 243Am
U. Forsberg, D. Rudolph, L. L. Andersson, A. Di Nitto, Ch E. Düllmann, et al.
(2016) Nuclear Physics, Section A, 953 p.117-138
Journal articleCoulomb dissociation of N 20,21
Marko Röder, Tatsuya Adachi, Yulia Aksyutina, Juan Alcantara, Sebastian Altstadt, et al.
(2016) Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics, 93
Journal articleSuperheavy-element spectroscopy: Correlations along element 115 decay chains
Dirk Rudolph, Ulrika Forsberg, Luis Sarmiento, Pavel Golubev, Claes Fahlander
(2016) 12th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (NN 2015) : EPJ Web of Conferences, 117 p.1-12
Conference paperSystematic investigation of projectile fragmentation using beams of unstable B and C isotopes
R. Thies, A. Heinz, T. Adachi, Y. Aksyutina, J. Alcantara-Núñes, et al.
(2016) Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics, 93
Journal articleFirst testing of the CALIFA Barrel Demonstrator
B. Pietras, M. Winkel, H. Alvarez-Pol, M. Bendel, E. Casarejos, et al.
(2016) Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 814 p.56-65
Journal articleNuclear astrophysics with radioactive ions at FAIR
R. Reifarthl, S. Altstadt, K. Goebell, T. Heftrich, M. Heil, et al.
(2016) Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 665 p.012044-012044
Conference paperSelected Spectroscopic Results on Element 115 Decay Chains
Dirk Rudolph, Ulrika Forsberg, Pavel Golubev, Luis Sarmiento, A. Yakushev, et al.
(2015) Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 303 p.1185-1190
Journal articleIsomeric Ratios in 206Hg
T. Alexander, Zs. Podolyak, M. L. Cortes, J. Gerl, Dirk Rudolph, et al.
(2015) Acta Physica Polonica. Series B: Elementary Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics, Statistical Physics, Theory of Relativity, Field Theory, 46 p.601-605
Journal articleData-flow Coupling and Data-Acquisition Triggers for the PreSPEC-AGATA Campaign at GSI
D. Ralet, S. Pietri, Y. Aubert, M. Bellato, D. Bortolato, et al.
(2015) Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment, 786 p.32-39
Journal articleAutomatic Intrinsic Calibration of Double-sided Silicon Strip Detectors
M. Reese, J. Gerl, Pavel Golubev, N. Pietralla
(2015) Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment, 779 p.63-68
Journal articleNew Short-Lived Isotope 221U and the Mass Surface Near N=126
J. Khuyagbaatar, A. Yakushev, Ch. E. Düllmann, D. Ackermann, L.-L. Andersson, et al.
(2015) Physical Review Letters, 115
Journal articleRecoil-alpha-fission and Recoil-alpha-alpha-fission Chains Stemming from Element 115
Dirk Rudolph, Ulrika Forsberg, C. E. Düllmann, Pavel Golubev, F.P. Heßberger, et al.
(2015) GSI Report, 2015-1 p.180-180
Book chapterChemical Study of Fl, Cn, their Lighter Homologs and Rn at TASCA
A. Yakushev, L. Lens, C. E. Düllmann, D. Ackermann, M. Asai, et al.
(2015) GSI Report, 2015-1 p.179-179
Book chapterAlpha-Photon Coincidence Spectroscopy Along Element 115 Decay Chains
Dirk Rudolph, Ulrika Forsberg, Pavel Golubev, Luis Sarmiento, A. Yakushev, et al.
(2014) Acta Physica Polonica. Series B: Elementary Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics, Statistical Physics, Theory of Relativity, Field Theory, 45 p.263-272
Journal articleIsobaric analog resonances of Mg-31 and the border of the island of inversion
N. Imai, M. Mukai, Joakim Cederkäll, H. Aghai, Pavel Golubev, et al.
(2014) Physical Review C (Nuclear Physics), 90
Journal articleIsospin Symmetry in the sd Shell: Transition Strengths in the Neutron-deficient sd Shell Nucleus 33Ar
A. Wendt, J. Taprogge, P. Reiter, Pavel Golubev, H. Grawe, et al.
(2014) Physical Review C (Nuclear Physics), 90
Journal articleAnalysis and Results of the 104Sn Coulomb Excitation Experiment
G. Guastalla, Douglas DiJulio, M. Gorska, Joakim Cederkäll, P. Boutachkov, et al.
(2014) Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 533
Conference paperB-13,B-14(n,gamma) via Coulomb Dissociation for Nucleosynthesis towards the r-Process
S. G. Altstadt, T. Adachi, Y. Aksyutina, J. Alcantara, H. Alvarez-Pol, et al.
(2014) Nuclear Data Sheets, 120 p.197-200
Journal articleSpectroscopic Tools Applied to Element Z = 115 Decay Chains
Ulrika Forsberg, Dirk Rudolph, Pavel Golubev, Luis Sarmiento, A. Yakushev, et al.
(2014) EPJ Web of Conferences, 66 p.02036-02036
Conference paper48Ca+249Bk Fusion Reaction Leading to Element Z=117: Long-Lived α-Decaying 270Db and Discovery of 266Lr
J. Khuyagbaatar, A. Yakushev, Ch. E. Düllmann, D. Ackermann, L.-L. Andersson, et al.
(2014) Physical Review Letters, 112
Journal articleElement 115 Studied with TASISpec
Dirk Rudolph, Ulrika Forsberg, Pavel Golubev, Luis Sarmiento, A. Yakushev, et al.
(2014) GSI Report, 2014-1 p.126-126
Book chapterOn the Road to FAIR: 1st Operation of AGATA in PreSPEC at GSI
N. Pietralla, M. Reese, M.L. Cortes, F. Ameil, D. Bazzacco, et al.
(2014) EPJ Web of Conferences, 66 p.02083-02083
Conference paperStudy of the 48Ca + 249Bk Fusion Reaction Leading to Element Z = 117: Long-lived Alpha-decaying 270Db and Discovery of 266Lr
J. Khuyagbaatar, A. Yakushev, C. E. Düllmann, D. Ackermann, L.-L. Andersson, et al.
(2014) GSI Report, 2014-1 p.125-125
Book chapterSimulations for Position-sensitive Tracking of Gamma Rays in Scintillators: Approach for Source Reconstruction
Natasa Lalovic, J. Gerl, Dirk Rudolph, R. Hoischen, Pavel Golubev
(2014) GSI Report, 2014-1 p.123-124
Book chapterMeasurement of hydrogen isotopes, D/H-ratio in thin samples
Linus Ros, Maciek Borysiuk, Per Kristiansson, Naseem Abdel, Mikael Elfman, et al.
(2013) Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 306 p.54-58
Journal articleThe Lund-York-Cologne Calorimeter (LYCCA): Concept, Design and Prototype Developments for a FAIR-NUSTAR Detector System to Discriminate Relativistic Heavy-ion Reaction Products
Pavel Golubev, A. Wendt, L. Scruton, J. Taprogge, Dirk Rudolph, et al.
(2013) Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment, 723 p.55-66
Journal articleThe upgraded photon tagging facility at the MAX IV Laboratory
Jan-Olof Adler, Mark Boland, Jason Brudvik, Kevin Fissum, Kurt Hansen, et al.
(2013) Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment, 715 p.1-10
Journal articleBeyond the neutron drip line: The unbound oxygen isotopes O-25 and O-26
C. Caesar, J. Simonis, T. Adachi, Y. Aksyutina, J. Alcantara, et al.
(2013) Physical Review C (Nuclear Physics), 88
Journal articleHydrogen analysis and profiling with a position sensitive detector
Maciek Borysiuk, Linus Ros, Per Kristiansson, H. Skogby, N. Abdel, et al.
(2013) Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 306 p.49-53
Journal articleSpectroscopy of Element 115 Decay Chains
Dirk Rudolph, Ulrika Forsberg, Pavel Golubev, Luis Sarmiento, A. Yakushev, et al.
(2013) Physical Review Letters, 111
Journal articleCoulomb Excitation of 104Sn and the Strength of the 100Sn Shell Closure
G. Guastalla, Douglas DiJulio, M. Gorska, Joakim Cederkäll, P. Boutachkov, et al.
(2013) Physical Review Letters, 110
Journal articleThe Superheavy Element Search Campaigns at TASCA
J. Khuyagbaatar, A. Yakushev, C. E. Düllmann, H. Nitsche, J. Roberto, et al.
(2013) GSI Report, 2013-1 p.131-131
Book chapterPosition Sensitivity of LYCCA Time-of-Flight Detectors
M. Reese, N. Pietralla, Pavel Golubev, Dirk Rudolph
(2013) GSI Report, 2013-1 p.185-185
Book chapterLYCCA Performance During the PreSPEC-AGATA Campaign
P. P. Singh, Pavel Golubev, Dirk Rudolph
(2013) GSI Report, 2013-1 p.184-184
Book chapterGEANT4 Spectroscopy of Heavy and Superheavy Atomic Nuclei: Element 115
Luis Sarmiento, Dirk Rudolph, Ulrika Forsberg, Pavel Golubev, L.-L. Andersson
(2013) Proceedings of Science, 194
Journal articleFirst Experiment at TASCA Towards X-Ray Fingerprinting of Element 115 Decay Chains
Ulrika Forsberg, Pavel Golubev, L. G. Sarmiento, Johan Jeppsson, Dirk Rudolph, et al.
(2012) Acta Physica Polonica. Series B: Elementary Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics, Statistical Physics, Theory of Relativity, Field Theory, 43 p.305-311
Journal articleFast Timing with Plastic Scintillators for In-beam Heavy-ion Spectroscopy
Robert Hoischen, S. Pietri, Dirk Rudolph, W. Prokopowicz, H. Schaffner, et al.
(2011) Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment, 654 p.354-360
Journal articleOptimization of O-18 measurement using NRA for studies of isotopic content in fossil meteorites
Maciek Borysiuk, Per Kristiansson, Natalia Arteaga, Mikael Elfman, Pavel Golubev, et al.
(2011) Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 269 p.2229-2232
Conference paperThe Electron-ion Scattering Experiment ELISe at the International Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) - A Conceptual Design Study
A. N. Antonov, M. K. Gaidarov, M. V. Ivanov, D. N. Kadrev, M. Aiche, et al.
(2011) Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment, 637 p.60-76
Journal articleElectromagnetic Properties of Vibrational Bands in 170Er
Douglas DiJulio, Joakim Cederkäll, Claes Fahlander, Andreas Ekström, Pavel Golubev, et al.
(2011) European Physical Journal A. Hadrons and Nuclei, 47 p.25-31
Journal articleTASISpec - A Highly Efficient Multi-coincidence Spectrometer for Nuclear Structure Investigations of the Heaviest Nuclei
L-L Andersson, Dirk Rudolph, Pavel Golubev, R-D Herzberg, Robert Hoischen, et al.
(2010) Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment, 622 p.164-170
Journal articleA New Simulation Package to Model Detector Systems with Fragmentation Reactions and Ion Separators: Application to the LYCCA-0 System
M. J. Taylor, M. A. Bentley, Dirk Rudolph, Claes Fahlander, Pavel Golubev, et al.
(2009) Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment, 606 p.589-597
Journal articleProton in-beam tests of the Lund (RB)-B-3 calorimeter prototype
Douglas DiJulio, Vladimir Avdeichikov, Joakim Cederkäll, Pavel Golubev, Bo Jakobsson, et al.
(2009) Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment, 612 p.127-132
Journal articleFirst results from the Lund NMP particle detector system
Pavel Golubev, Per Kristiansson, Natalia Arteaga, Mikael Elfman, Klas Malmqvist, et al.
(2009) Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 267 p.2065-2068
Conference paperNew sequence-based data on the relative DNA contents of chromosomes in the normal male and female human diploid genomes for radiation molecular cytogenetics.
Mikhail V Repin, Pavel Golubev, Ludmila A Repina
(2009) Molecular Cytogenetics, 2
Journal articlePion Emission in H-2,C-12,Al-27(gamma,pi+) Reactions at Threshold
Pavel Golubev, Vladimir Avdeichikov, Kevin Fissum, Bo Jakobsson, I A Pshenichnov, et al.
(2008) Nuclear Physics, Section A, 806 p.216-229
Journal article200 and 300 MeV/nucleon nuclear reactions responsible for single-event effects in microelectronics
H. Jaderstrom, Yu. Murin, Yu. Babain, M. Chubarov, V. Pljuschev, et al.
(2008) Physical Review C (Nuclear Physics), 77
Journal articleA detector system for studying nuclear reactions relevant to Single Event Effects
Yu. Murin, Yu. Babain, M. Chubarov, Yu. Tuboltsev, V. Pljuschev, et al.
(2007) Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment, 578 p.385-398
Journal articleProbing the liquid-gas coexistence in p+Xe reactions from 200 to 1400 MeV
Bo Jakobsson, Pavel Golubev, H. Jaderstrom, Vladimir Avdeichikov, Lars Carlén, et al.
(2007) Physics Letters. Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 644 p.228-231
Journal articleDynamical. and statistical fragment emission properties in 200 A MeV Ne-20+Ar-40 collisions
Lars Carlén, Pavel Golubev, Bo Jakobsson, Vladimir Avdeichikov, C Ekstrom, et al.
(2006) Nuclear Physics, Section A, 764 p.15-23
Journal articleCalibration of a neutron time-of-flight multidetector system for an intensity interferometry experiment
Roberta Ghetti, N Colonna, J Helgesson, Vladimir Avdeichikov, Pavel Golubev, et al.
(2004) Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment, 516 p.492-501
Journal articleAnalysis of charged particle emission sources and coalescence in E/A=61 (MeVAr)-Ar-36+Al-27, Sn-112 and Sn-124 collisions
Vladimir Avdeichikov, Roberta Ghetti, J Helgesson, Bo Jakobsson, Pavel Golubev, et al.
(2004) Nuclear Physics, Section A, 736 p.22-38
Journal articleIsospin effects on two-particle correlation functions in E/A=61 MeV Ar-36+Sn-112,Sn-124 reactions
Roberta Ghetti, Vladimir Avdeichikov, Bo Jakobsson, Pavel Golubev, J Helgesson, et al.
(2004) Physical Review C (Nuclear Physics), 69
Journal articleCHICSi - a compact ultra-high vacuum compatible detector system for nuclear reaction experiments at storage rings. III. readout system
Lars Carlén, G Forre, Pavel Golubev, Bo Jakobsson, A Kolozhvari, et al.
(2004) Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment, 516 p.327-347
Journal articleIsospin Effect on Two-particle Correlations Found in E/M = 61 MeV Ar-36 + Sn-114,124 Reactions
Roberta Ghetti, Vladimir Avdeichikov, Bo Jakobsson, Pavel Golubev, J Helgesson
(2004) Physical Review C: covering nuclear physics, 69
Journal articleChronology of Neutron, Proton and Deuteron Emission in Intermediate Energy Heavy Ion Reactions
Roberta Ghetti, J Helgesson, Bo Jakobsson, Vladimir Avdeichikov, Pavel Golubev, et al.
(2004) Nuclear Instruments and Methods A, 734 p.597-597
Journal articleCHICSi - a compact ultra-high vacuum compatible detector system for nuclear reaction experiments at storage rings. I. General structure, mechanics and UHV compatibility
L Westerberg, Vladimir Avdeichikov, Lars Carlén, Pavel Golubev, Bo Jakobsson, et al.
(2003) Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment, 500 p.84-95
Journal articleDevelopment of Detector Systems for Internal and Fixed Target Heavy Ion Physics Experiments
Pavel Golubev
(2003) Cosmic and Subatomic Physics Dissertation
DissertationParticle emission time sequence in intermediate energy heavy ion reactions
Roberta Ghetti, J Helgesson, Bo Jakobsson, Vladimir Avdeichikov, Pavel Golubev, et al.
(2003) Nuclear Physics, Section A, 721 p.313-316
Journal articleEnergy calibration of CsI(T1) scintillator in pulse-shape identification technique
V Avdeichkov, Roberta Ghetti, Pavel Golubev, Bo Jakobsson, N Colonna
(2003) Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment, 501 p.505-513
Journal articleCHICSi - a compact ultra-high vacuum compatible detector system for nuclear reaction experiments at storage rings. II. Detectors
Pavel Golubev, Vladimir Avdeichikov, Lars Carlén, Bo Jakobsson, A Siwek, et al.
(2003) Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment, 500 p.96-115
Journal articleChronology of particle emission from the E/A=61 MeV Ar-36+Al-27 reaction
Roberta Ghetti, J Helgesson, Vladimir Avdeichikov, Pavel Golubev, Bo Jakobsson, et al.
(2003) Physical Review Letters, 91
Journal article