Theoretical Particle Physics Publications 2000-2009
- Karol Kampf, Jiri Novotny, Jaroslav Trnka
Renormalization and additional degrees of freedom within the chiral effective theory for spin-1 resonances
LU TP 09-33, arXiv:0912.5289 [hep-ph] [ abs, pdf ] - Torbjörn Sjöstrand
Monte Carlo Tools
LU TP 09-31, arXiv:0911.5286 [hep-ph] [ abs, ps, pdf ] - Richard Corke, Torbjörn Sjöstrand
Multiparton Interactions and Rescattering
LU TP 09-28, arXiv:0911.1909 [hep-ph] [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens, Jie Lu
Technicolor and other QCD-like theories at next-to-next-to-leading order
LU TP 09-27, arXiv:0910.5424 [hep-ph] [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens, Lisa Carloni
Leading Logarithms in the Massive O(N) Nonlinear Sigma Model
LU TP 09-26, arXiv:0909.5086 [hep-ph] [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens
Chiral perturbation theory in the meson sector
LU TP 09-25, arXiv:0909.4635 [hep-ph] [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens, Ilaria Jemos
Determination of Low Energy Constants and testing Chiral Perturbation
Theory at order $p^6$ (NNLO)
LU TP 09-24, arXiv:0909.4477 [hep-ph] [ abs, ps ] - Sparsh Navin
Diffraction in Pythia
LU TP 09-23, arXiv:1005.3894 [hep-ph] [ abs, ps, pdf ] - Andy Buckley, Hendrik Hoeth, Heiko Lacker, Holger Schulz, Eike von Seggern
Monte Carlo tuning and generator validation
LU TP 09-20, arXiv:0906.0075 [hep-ph] [ abs, pdf ] - Andy Buckley, Hendrik Hoeth, Holger Schulz, Jan Eike von Seggern
Monte Carlo event generator validation and tuning for the LHC
LU TP 09-19, arXiv:0902.4403 [hep-ph] [ abs, ps, pdf ] - Andy Buckley, Hendrik Hoeth, Heiko Lacker, Holger Schulz, Jan Eike von Seggern
Systematic event generator tuning for the LHC
LU TP 09-18, arXiv:0907.2973 [hep-ph] [ abs, pdf ] - Johan Bijnens, Ilaria Jemos
Relations at Order $p^6$ in Chiral Perturbation Theory
LU TP 09-17, arXiv:0906.3118 [hep-ph] [ abs, ps ] - Jonas Nordström
Parton Correlations in High Energy Proton-Proton Scattering
Master of Science thesis
LU TP 09-15 [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens, Alejandro Celis
K -> pi pi Decays in SU(2) Chiral Perturbation Theory
LU TP 09-14 arXiv:0906.0302 [hep-ph] [ abs, ps ] - Alejandro Celis
On SU(2) Chiral Perturbation Theory for K -> pi pi Decay Amplitudes
Master of Science thesis
LU TP 09-12 [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens, Ilaria Jemos
Determination of Low Energy Constants and testing Chiral Perturbation
Theory at Next to Next to Leading Order
LU TP 09-10 arXiv:0904.3705 [hep-ph] [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens
Status of Strong ChPT
LU TP 09-09 arXiv:0904.3713 [hep-ph] [ abs, ps ] - Christoffer Flensburg
Quasielastic Scattering in the Dipole Model
Talk presented at the 38th International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics at DESY, Hamburg, 15-20 September 2008
LU TP 09-03, arXiv:0902.3606 [hep-ph] [ abs, ps ]
- Richard Corke
Multiple Interactions in Pythia 8
Talk presented at the first International Workshop on Multiple Partonic Interactions at the LHC, Perugia, 27-31 October, 2008
LU TP 08-21, arXiv:0901.2852 [hep-ph] [ abs, ps ] - Nils Lavesson, Leif Lönnblad
Extending CKKW-merging to One-Loop Matrix Elements
LU TP 08-20, arXiv:0811.2912 [hep-ph] [ abs, ps ] - Torbjörn Sjöstrand
PYTHIA 8 Status Report
LU TP 08-17, arXiv:0809.0303 [hep-ph] [ abs, ps ] - Christoffer Flensburg, Gösta Gustafson, Leif Lönnblad
Elastic and quasi-elastic $pp$ and $\gamma^\star p$ scattering in the Dipole Model
LU TP 08-14, arXiv:0807.0325 [hep-ph] [ abs, ps ] - Tomas Kasemets
Relic gravitational waves as a source of CMB polarization
Bachelor Thesis
LU TP 08-03 [ abs, ps ]
- Gösta Gustafson
Multiple Scattering, Underlying Event, and Minimum Bias
Talk presented at 12th Int. Conf. on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering, EDS07, DESY, Hamburg, 21-25 May 2007
LU TP 07-39, arXiv:0712.1941 [hep-ph] [ abs, ps ] - Nils Lavesson, Leif Lönnblad
Merging parton showers and matrix elements -- back to basics
LU TP 07-38, arXiv:0712.2966 [hep-ph] [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens
Eta and Eta' physics
Plenary talk given at MENU07, September 10-14, 2007 Jülich, Germany
LU TP 07-34, arXiv:0710.4017 [nucl-th] [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens, Karim Ghorbani
Isospin breaking in K pi vector form-factors for the weak and rare decays K(l 3), K ---> pi nu anti-nu and K ---> pi l+ l-
LU TP 07-29, arXiv:0711.0148 [hep-ph] [ abs, ps ] - Torbjorn Sjöstrand, Stephen Mrenna, Peter Z. Skands
A Brief Introduction to PYTHIA 8.1
LU TP 07-28, arXiv:0710.3820 [hep-ph] [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens, Karim Ghorbani
$\eta \to 3 \pi$ at Two Loops In Chiral Perturbation Theory
LU TP 07-26, arXiv:0709.0230 [hep-ph] [ abs, ps ] - Emil Avsar, Gösta Gustafson, Leif Lönnblad
Diffractive Excitation in DIS and pp Collisions
LU TP 07-25, arXiv:0709.1368 [hep-ph] [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens
Quark Mass dependence at Two Loops for Meson Properties
Plenary talk at The XXV International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, July 30 - August 4 2007, Regensburg, Germany.
LU TP 07-22, arXiv:0708.1377 [hep-lat] [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens
Radiative and semileptonic decays in Chiral Perturbation Theory
Presented at Kaon International Conference (KAON07), May 21-25, 2007, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell'INFN, Frascati, Italy
LU TP 07-21, arXiv:0707.0419 [hep-ph] [ abs, ps ] - J. Alwall, S. Hoeche, F. Krauss, N. Lavesson, L. Lönnblad, F. Maltoni, M.L. Mangano, M. Moretti, C.G. Papadopoulos, F. Piccinini, S. Schumann, M. Treccani, J. Winter, M. Worek
Comparative study of various algorithms for the merging of parton showers and matrix elements in hadronic collisions
LU TP 07-13, arXiv:0706.2569 [hep-ph] [ abs, ps ] - Emil Avsar
On the Dipole Swing and the Search for Frame Independence in the Dipole Model
LU TP 07-09, arXiv:0709.1371 [hep-ph] [ abs, ps ] - Rosa Maria Duran Delgado, Gösta Gustafson, Leif Lönnblad
String Effects on Fermi-Dirac Correlation Measurements
LU TP 07-07, hep-ph/0702241 [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens, Joaquim Prades
The Hadronic Light-by-Light Contribution to the Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment: Where do we stand?
LU TP 07-05, hep-ph/0702170 [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens, Niclas Danielsson, Timo A. Lähde
Partially Quenched and Three Flavour ChPT at Two Loops
Invited talk at Final EURIDICE Meeting: Effective Theories of Colors and Flavors from EURODAPHNE to EURIDICE, Kazimierz, Poland, 24-27 Aug 2006
LU TP 07-03, hep-ph/0701267 [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens, Joaquim Prades
Status of the Hadronic Light-by-Light Contribution to the Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment
Invited talk at Final EURIDICE Meeting: Effective Theories of Colors and Flavors from EURODAPHNE to EURIDICE, Kazimierz, Poland, 24-27 Aug 2006
LU TP 07-02, hep-ph/0701240 [ abs, ps ]
- Emil Avsar, Gösta Gustafson
Geometric scaling and QCD dynamics in DIS
JHEP 0704:067,2007
LU TP 06-47, hep-ph/0702087 [ abs, ps ] - Gösta Gustafson
Energy Conservation and Pomeron Loops in High Energy Evolution
Talk presented at XXXVI Int. Symp. on Multiparticle Dynamics, Paraty, Brazil, 2 - 8 Sept. 2006
LU TP 06-44 [ abs, ps ] - Gösta Gustafson
Fluctuations and Fermi-Dirac Correlations in e+e- annihilation
Talk presented at XXXVI Int. Symp. on Multiparticle Dynamics, Paraty, Brazil, 2 - 8 Sept. 2006
LU TP 06-43, hep-ph/0611296 [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens, Niclas Danielsson
Electromagnetic Corrections in Partially Quenched Chiral Perturbation Theory
LU TP 06-38, hep-lat/0610127 [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens, Karim Ghorbani
Quark anti-quark expectation value in finite volume
Talk given at IPM School and Conference on Lepton and Hadron Physics (IPM-LHP06), Tehran, Iran, 15-20 May 2006.
LU TP 06-37, hep-lat/0610083 [ abs, ps ] - Emil Avsar, Gösta Gustafson, Leif Lönnblad
Small-x Dipole Evolution Beyond the Large-N_c Limit
LU TP 06-35, hep-ph/0610157 [ abs, ps ] - Emil Avsar
Energy Conservation and Pomeron Loops in High Energy Evolution.
Presented at Cracow School of Theoretical Physics: 46th Course 2006, Zakopane, Poland, 27 May - 6 Jun 2006.
LU TP 06-34, hep-ph/0610045 [ abs, ps ] - Daniel Bundzik
Star product and the general Leigh-Strassler deformation
LU TP 06-30, hep-th/0608215 [ abs, ps ] - Leif Lönnblad, Malin Sjödahl
Classical and Non-Classical ADD-phenomenology with high-ET jet observables at collider experiments
LU TP 06-29, hep-ph/0608210 [ abs, ps ] - Malin Sjödahl, Gösta Gustafson
Gravitational Scattering in the ADD-model at High and Low Energies
LU TP 06-26, hep-ph/0608080 [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens, Niclas Danielsson
The eta mass and NNLO Three-Flavor Partially Quenched Chiral Perturbation Theory
LU TP 06-23, hep-lat/0606017 [ abs, ps ] - Rosa María Durán Delgado
Fermi-Dirac Correlations Between Protons in the String Fragmentation Picture
Master of Science thesis
LU TP 06-17 [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens
Chiral Perturbation Theory Beyond One Loop
LU TP 06-16, hep-ph/0604043 [ abs, ps ] - Torbjorn Sjöstrand, Stephen Mrenna, Peter Skands
PYTHIA 6.4 Physics and Manual
LU TP 06-13, hep-ph/0603175 [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens, Karim Ghorbani
Finite Volume Dependence of the Quark-Antiquark Vacuum Expectation Value
LU TP 06-11, hep-lat/0602019 [ abs, ps ] - Malin Sjödahl
Gravitational Scattering in the ADD-model Revisited
LU TP 06-10, hep-ph/0602138 [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens, Niclas Danielsson, Timo A. Lähde
Three-Flavor Partially Quenched Chiral Perturbation Theory at NNLO for Meson Masses and Decay Constants
LU TP 06-07, hep-lat/0602003 [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens, Elvira Gamiz, Joaquim Prades
The $B_K$ Kaon Parameter in the Chiral Limit
LU TP 06-03, hep-ph/0601197 [ abs, ps ]
- Johan Bijnens, Niclas Danielsson, Timo A. Lähde
Partially Quenched Chiral Perturbation Theory to NNLO
Presented at Particles and Nuclei International Conference (PANIC 05), Santa Fe, New Mexico, 24-28 Oct 2005.
LU TP 05-48, hep-lat/0512016 [ abs, ps ] - Daniel Bundzik, Teresia Månsson
The general Leigh-Strassler deformation and integrability
LU TP 05-46, hep-th/0512093 [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens
Eta and Eta' decays and what can we learn from them?
Talk presented at the Eta'05 Workshop on production and decay of eta and eta' mesons 15th--18th September 2005, Jagellonian University, Cracow, Poland
LU TP 05-42, hep-ph/0511076 [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens, Niclas Danielsson, Karim Ghorbani, Timo A. Lähde
Two Loop Partially Quenched and Finite Volume Chiral Perturbation Theory Results
Talk given at 23rd International Symposium on Lattice Field Field: Lattice 2005, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, 25-30 Jul 2005.
LU TP 05-34, hep-lat/0509042 [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens, Timo A. Lähde
Masses and Decay Constants of Pseudoscalar Mesons to Two Loops in Two-Flavor Partially Quenched Chiral Perturbation Theory
LU TP 05-26, hep-lat/0506004 [ abs, ps ] - Leif Lönnblad, Malin Sjödal, Torsten Åkesson
QCD-Supression by Black Hole Production at the LHC
JHEP 0509:019,2005
LU TP 05-25, hep-ph/0505181 [ abs, ps ] - Nils Lavesson, Leif Lönnblad
W+jets Matrix Elements and the Dipole Cascade
JHEP 0507:054,2005
LU TP 05-11, hep-ph/0503239 [ abs, ps ] - Emil Avsar, Leif Lönnblad, Gösta Gustafson
Energy Conservation and Saturation in Small-x Evolution
JHEP 0507:062,2005
LU TP 05-10, hep-ph/0503181 [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens, Ulf-G. Meißner, Andreas Wirzba
Effective Field Theories in Nuclear Particle and Atomic Physics
56 pages, mini proceedings of the 337. WE-Heraeus-Seminar "Effective Field Theories in Nuclear Particle and Atomic Physics," Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Bad Honnef, Germany, December 13 -- 17, 2004
LU TP 05-04, hep-ph/0502008 [ abs, ps ] - Joaquim Prades, Johan Bijnens, Elvira Gamiz
The B_K Kaon Parameter in the 1/N_c Expansion
Invited Talk given by J.P. at the "Large N_c QCD Workshop", 5-9 July 2004, Trento, Italy
LU TP 05-03, hep-ph/0501177 [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens, Timo A. Lähde
Decay Constants of Pseudoscalar Mesons to Two Loops in Three-Flavor Partially Quenched ChPT
LU TP 05-01, hep-lat/0501014 [ abs, ps ]
- E. Thomé
Perturbative and Nonperturbative Effects in Transverse Momentum Generation
Master of Science thesis
LU TP 04-01, hep-ph/0401121 [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens, Pierre Dhonte and Pere Talavera
ππ Scattering in Three Flavour ChPT
submitted to JHEP
LU TP 04-02, hep-ph/0401039 [ abs, ps ] - Torbjörn Sjöstrand and Peter Skands
Multiple Interactions and Beam Remnants
submitted to the proceedings of the Workshop on Physics at TeV Colliders, Les Houches, France, 26 May - 6 June 2003
LU TP 04-04, hep-ph/0401060 [ abs, ps ] - Torbjörn Sjöstrand
New Showers with transverse-momentum-ordering
submitted to the proceedings of the Workshop on Physics at TeV Colliders, Les Houches, France, 26 May - 6 June 2003
LU TP 04-05, hep-ph/0401061 [ abs, ps ] - J. Huston, I. Puljak, T. Sjöstrand, E. Thomé
Resummation and Shower Studies
submitted to the proceedings of the Workshop on Physics at TeV Colliders, Les Houches, France, 26 May - 6 June 2003
LU TP 04-07, hep-ph/0401145 [ abs, ps ] - Torbjörn Sjöstrand and Peter Skands
Multiple Interactions and the Structure of Beam Remnants
LU TP 04-08, hep-ph/0402078 JHEP 03 (2004) 053 [ abs, ps ] - Daniel Bundzik, Anna Tollstén
The Geometry of Fractional D1-branes
LU TP 04-13, hep-th/0403099 Class.Quant.Grav. 21 (2004) 3985-3994 [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens, Pierre Dhonte, Pere Talavera
Pi K Scattering in Three Flavour ChPT
JHEP 0405 (2004) 036
LU TP 04-19, hep-ph/0404150 [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens, Fredrik Borg
Isospin Breaking in K -> 3 Pi Decays I: Strong Isospin Breaking
Nucl.Phys. B697 (2004) 319-342
LU TP 04-20, hep-ph/0405025 [ abs, ps ] - Tobias Toll
Studies of Boson Gluon Fusion Events in Deep Inelastic e-p Scattering
Master of Science thesis
LU TP 04-21 [ abs, ps ] - Anders Pinzke
Estimating the Electromagnetic Chiral Lagrangian Coefficients
Master of Science thesis
LU TP 04-22 [ abs, ps ] - Emil Avsar
Saturation In Deep Inelastic Scattering
Master of Science thesis
LU TP 04-24 [ abs, ps ] - Christoffer Åberg
Correcting the Colour Dipole Cascade with Fixed Order Matrix Elements in Deep Inelastic Scattering
Master of Science thesis
LU TP 04-25 [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens, Niclas Danielsson, Timo A. Lähde
The Pseudoscalar Meson Mass to Two Loops in Three-Flavor Partially Quenched ChPT
Phys.Rev. D70 (2004) 111503
LU TP 04-26, hep-lat/0406017 [ abs, ps ] - Torbjörn Sjöstrand and Peter Skands
Transverse-Momentum-Ordered Showers and Interleaved Multiple Interactions
submitted to Eur. Phys. J. C.
LU TP 04-29, hep-ph/0408302 [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens
Chiral Meson Physics at Two Loops
7 pages, Invited plenary talk presented at the 19th European Few-Body conference, Groningen, The Netherlands, August 23-27, 2004
LU TP 04-30, hep-ph/0409068 [ abs, ps ] - Nils Lavesson
Correcting the Dipole Cascade with Matrix Elements in Hadron Collisions
Master of Science thesis
LU TP 04-34 [ abs, ps ] - Leif Lönnblad
Unintegrated gluon densities in the LDC model
To be published in the proceedings of the DIS 2004 Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, April, 2004.
LU TP 04-35 [ abs, ps ] - Leif Lönnblad
ThePEG, Pythia7 and Ariadne
To be published in the proceedings of the DIS 2004 Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, April, 2004.
LU TP 04-36 [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens, Fredrik Borg
Isospin Breaking in K -> 3 Pi Deacays II: Radiative Corrections
Eur.Phys.J. C39 (2005) 347-357
LU TP 04-37, hep-ph/0410333 [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens, Fredrik Borg
Isospin Breaking in K -> 3 Pi Decays III: Bremsstrahlung and Fit to Experiment
LU TP 04-40, hep-ph/0501163 [ abs, ps ] - Leif Lönnblad, Malin Sjödahl
Uncertainties on Central Exclusive Scalar Luminosities from the unintegrated gluon distributions
LU TP 04-41, hep-ph/0412111 [ abs, ps ]
- Werner Porod and Peter Skands
Measuring Neutrino Mixing Angles at LHC
submitted to the proceedings of the Workshop on Physics at TeV Colliders, Les Houches, France, 26 May - 6 June 2003
LU TP 03-50, hep-ph/0401077 [ abs, ps ] - Peter Skands, Benjamin C. Allanach, Howard Baer, Csaba Balazs, Genevieve Belanger, Fawzi Boudjema, Abdelhak Djouadi, Rohini Godbole, Jaume Guasch, Sven Heinemeyer, Wolfgang Kilian, Jean-Loic Kneur, Sabine Kraml, Filip Moortgat, Stefano Moretti, Margarete Muhlleitner, Werner Porod, Alexander Pukhov, Peter Richardson, Steffen Schumann, Pietro Slavich, Michael Spira, Georg Weiglein
The SUSY Les Houches Accord Project
submitted to the proceedings of the Workshop on Physics at TeV Colliders, Les Houches, France, 26 May - 6 June 2003
LU TP 03-48 [ abs, ps ] - Leif Lönnblad and Malin Sjödahl
Central Exclusive Scalar Luminosities from the Linked Dipole Chain Model Gluon Densities
LU TP 03-47, hep-ph/0311252 (JHEP 02 (2004) 043) [ abs, ps ] - Peter Skands and Torbjörn Sjöstrand
Progress on Multiple Interactions
Proceedings of the International Europhysics Conference on High-Energy Physics (HEP 2003), Aachen, Germany, 17-23 Jul 2003
LU TP 03-45, hep-ph/0310315 [ abs, ps ] - Artem Lipatov, Leif Lönnblad and Nikolaj Zotov
Study of the Linked Dipole Chain Model in heavy quark production at the Tevatron
LU TP 03-42, hep-ph/0309207 (JHEP 01 (2004) 010) [ abs, ps ] - Peter Skands, Benjamin C. Allanach, Howard Baer, Csaba Balazs, Genevieve Belanger, Fawzi Boudjema, Abdelhak Djouadi, Rohini Godbole, Jaume Guasch, Sven Heinemeyer, Wolfgang Kilian, Jean-Loic Kneur, Sabine Kraml, Filip Moortgat, Stefano Moretti, Margarete Muhlleitner, Werner Porod, Alexander Pukhov, Peter Richardson, Steffen Schumann, Pietro Slavich, Michael Spira, Georg Weiglein
SUSY Les Houches Accord: Interfacing SUSY Spectrum Calculators, Decay Packages, and Event Generators
LU TP 03-39, hep-ph/0311123 (JHEP 07 (2004) 036) [ abs, ps ] - Torbjörn Sjöstrand, Leif Lönnblad, Stephen Mrenna, Peter Skands
PYTHIA 6.3 Physics and Manual
LU TP 03-38, hep-ph/0308153 [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens and Pierre-Antoine Dhonte
Scalar Form Factors in SU(3) Chiral Perturbation Theory
LU TP 03-32, hep-ph/0307044 [ abs, ps ] - Henrik Johansson
A Position-Dependent Bose-Einstein Correlation Model for Hadronization Processes
LU TP 03-03, hep-ph/0302225 (Master of Science Thesis) [ abs, ps ] - Olof Strandberg
Determination of the Anomalous Chiral Coefficients of order p^{6}
LU TP 03-02 (Master of Science Thesis) [ abs, ps ]
- P. Skands
Baryon Number Violation and String Hadronization
LU TP 02-35, hep-ph/0209199 (Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions) [ abs, ps ] - T. Sjöstrand and P. Skands
Baryon Number Violation and String Topologies
LU-TP 02-46, hep-ph/0212264 (Nuclear Physics B 659, 243 (2003)) [ abs, ps ] - J. Bijnens, U.-G. Meißner and A. Wirzba
Effective Field Theories of QCD
LU-TP 02-03, hep-ph/0201266 (proceedings of the meeting at DPG Physikzentrum, november 26 - 30, 2001, Bad Honnef, Germany) [ abs, ps ] - J. Bijnens and J. Gasser
Eta decays at and beyond $\mathbf{p4}$ in Chiral Perturbation Theory
LU TP 02-05, hep-ph/0202242 (Physica Scripta T99 (2002) 34-44) [ abs, ps ] - J. Bijnens and P. Talavera
Pion and Kaon Electromagnetic Form Factors
LU TP 02-07, hep-ph/0203049 (JHEP 03(2002)046) [ abs, ps ] - J. Bijnens
QCD and Weak Interactions of Light Quarks
LU TP 02-12, hep-ph/0204068 ('At the Frontier of Particle Physics / Handbook of QCD', edited by M. Shifman, Volume 4) [ abs, ps ] - J. Bijnens and A. Khodjamirian
Exploring Light-Cone Sum Rules for Pion and Kaon Form Factors
LU TP 02-24, hep-ph/0206252 [ abs, ps ] - J. Bijnens
Penguins 2002: Penguins in $K\to\pi\pi$ Decays
LU TP 02-27, hep-ph/0207082 (Presented at the Symposium and Workshop "Continuous Advances in QCD 2002/Arkadyfest," Minneapolis, USA, 17-23 May 2002, to be published in the proceedings, ed. M. Voloshin) [ abs, ps ] - Sandipan Mohanty
Bose Einstein Correlations in the Lund Model for Multijet Systems
LU TP 02-41, hep-ph/0211174 (Contribution for the Proceedings of the X'th International Workshop on Multiparticle Production : "Correlations and Fluctuations in QCD", Crete, Greece, 8-15 June 2002. ) [ abs, ps ] - Jan Kwiecinski (Cracow, INP), Martin Maul (Lund)
Integral equation for spin dependent unintegrated parton distributions incorporating double ln^2(1/x) effects at low x
LU TP 02-32, hep-ph/0209041 [ abs, ps, pdf ] - J. Gasser (Bern), M.A. Ivanov (Dubna), E. Lipartia (Lund), M. Mojzis (Massachusetts), A. Rusetsky (Bern)
Ground-state energy of pionic hydrogen to one loop
LU TP 02-22, hep-ph/0206068 (European Physical Journal C ) [ abs, ps, pdf ] - Bo Andersson, Sandipan Mohanty, Fredrik Söderberg
The \lambda-measure and the Generalized Dipoles in the Lund Model
LU TP 02-13, hep-ph/0207025 ( Nuclear Physics B 646, 102-126 (2002)) [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens, Pierre Dhonte, Fredrik Persson
$K\to3\pi$ Decays in Chiral Perturbation Theory
LU TP 02-21, hep-ph/0205341 [ abs, ps ] - Carlos Ortiz
Matching fixed order Matrix Elements to Parton Showers for heavy quark production in e^+e^- annihilation
LU TP 02-20 (Master of Science Thesis) [ abs, ps ] - Dmitri Diakonov (Nordita & St. Petersburg, INP), Martin Maul (Lund U.)
Center-Vortex Solutions of the Yang-Mills Effective Action in Three and Four Dimensions
LU TP 02-09, hep-ph/0204012 [ abs, ps ] - Sven Bilke, Edisher Lipartia, Martin Maul (Lund U.)
Effective Field Theoretical Approach to Black Hole Production
LU TP 02-10, hep-ph/0204040 [ abs, ps ]
- Peter Skands
Searching for L-Violating Supersymmetry at the LHC
LU TP 01-32, hep-ph/0110137 (Eur.Phys.J. C23 (2002) 173-184) [ abs, ps ] - Martin Maul
A polarized version of the CCFM equation for gluons
LU TP 01-35, hep-ph/0111031 [ abs, ps ] - J. Bijnens, L. Girlanda (Padova), P. Talavera (CPT Marseille)
The anomalous chiral Lagrangian of order $p^6$
LU TP 01-34, hep-ph/0110400 [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens, Elvira Gamiz (Granada), Joaquim Prades (Granada)
Matching the Electroweak Penguins $Q_7$, $Q_8$ and Spectral Correlators
LU TP 01-28, hep-ph/0108240 ( JHEP 0110 (2001) 009 ) [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens
Chiral Lagrangians
LU TP 01-26, hep-ph/0108111 [ abs, ps ] - Gösta Gustafson, Gabriela Miu
A Simple Model for the BFKL-DGLAP Transition in Deep Inelastic Scattering
LU TP 01-30, hep-ph/0110143 (Submitted to The European Physical Journal C) [ abs, ps ] - Torbjorn Sjöstrand, Leif Lönnblad, Stephen Mrenna
Pythia 6.2 Physics and Manual
LU TP 01-21, hep-ph/0108264 [ abs, ps ] - Henrik Jönsson
Master of Science Thesis: Electroweak Baryogenesis
LU TP 01-27 [ abs, ps ] - Bo Andersson, Sandipan Mohanty, Fredrik Söderberg
Lund String Fragmentation Process for a Multi-gluon String According to the Area Law
LU TP 01-22, hep-ph/0106185 (The European Physical Journal C 21, 631-647 (2001)) [ abs, ps ] - T. Sjöstrand, O. Smirnova, Ch.Z. Jarlskog
Hadronization corrections to helicity components of the fragmentation function
LU TP 01-13, hep-ph/0104118 [ abs, ps ] - Martin Maul
Semi-leptonic B-decays and the two-pion distribution amplitudes
LU TP 01-11, hep-ph/0104078 [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens, Paula Eerola, Martin Maul, Anders Månsson, Torbjörn Sjöstrand
QCD signatures of narrow graviton resonances in hadron colliders
LU TP 01-05, hep-ph/0101316 (accepted for publication in Physics Letters B) [ abs, ps ] - Bo Andersson, Fredrik Söderberg, Sandipan Mohanty
Alternative scenarios for the fragmentation of a gluonic lund string
LU TP 01-04, hep-ph/0101222 (contribution to The proceedings of the International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, Oct 9-15 2000, Lake Balaton, Hungary.) [ abs, ps ] - Anders Månsson, Johan Bijnens, Martin Maul
Gravity in Extra Dimensional Spaces
LU TP 01-02 (Master of Science Thesis) [ abs, ps ] - G. Amoros (Lund and Valencia), J. Bijnens (Lund), P. Talavera (Orsay)
QCD Isospin Breaking in Meson Masses, Decay Constants and Quark Mass Ratios
LU TP 01-01 , hep-ph/0012127 [ abs, ps ]
- Alexander Khodjamirian
$B \to \pi \pi $ Decay in QCD
LU TP 00-56 , hep-ph/0012271 (Submitted to Nuclear Physics B) [ abs, ps ] - T. Sjöstrand
PYTHIA Status Report
LU TP 00-54, hep-ph/0012188 (to appear in The Proceedings of the Linear Collider Workshop 2000, Fermilab, Oct 24-28, 2000) [ abs, ps ] - T. Sjöstrand
QCD Radiation off Heavy Particles
LU TP 00-53, hep-ph/0012187 (to appear in The Proceedings of the Linear Collider Workshop 2000, Fermilab, Oct 24-28, 2000) [ abs, ps ] - T. Sjöstrand
Gamma-Gamma interactions from Real to Virtual Photons
LU TP 00-52, hep-ph/0012185 (to appear in The Proceedings of the Linear Collider Workshop 2000, Fermilab, Oct 24-28, 2000) [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens, Ada Farilla, Rory Miskimen
Report of the Working Group on Goldstone Bosons
LU TP 00-50 , hep-ph/0012024 (to be published in the proceedings of Chiral Dynamics 2000: Theory and Experiment, July 17-22, 2000) [ abs, ps ] - J. Dischler, T. Sjöstrand
Toy model of Colour Screening in the Proton
LU TP 00-47, hep-ph/0011282 [ abs, ps ] - Gabriel Amoros, Johan Bijnens (Lund), Pere Talavera (Orsay)
$K_{l4}$ at two-loops and CHPT predictions for $\pi\pi$-scattering
LU TP 00-46 , hep-ph/0011023 [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens
Weak Interactions of Light Flavours
LU TP 00-44 , hep-ph/0010265 (Lectures given at the Advanced School on QCD at Benasque, Spain, 3-6 July 2000.) [ abs, ps ] - E. Norrbin, T. Sjöstrand
QCD Radiation off Heavy Particles
LU TP 00-42, hep-ph/0010012 (submitted to Nuclear Physics B) [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens (Lund), Joaquim Prades (Granada)
Chiral Limit Prediction for epsilon'/epsilon at NLO in 1/N_c
UG FT/00-121 , hep-ph/0010008 (Invited talk given by J.P. at High Energy EuroConference QCD '00, 6-13th July (2000)) [ abs, ps ] - M. Maul
Quarkonium Production through Hard Comover Rescattering in Polarized and Unpolarized pp Scattering
LU TP 00-33, hep-ph/0009279 [ abs, ps ] - C. Friberg and T. Sjöstrand
Effects of Longitudinal Photons
LU TP 00-31, hep-ph/0009003 (to appear in Phys. Lett. B) [ abs, ps ] - T. Sjöstrand, P. Edén, C. Friberg, L. Lönnblad, G. Miu, S. Mrenna and E. Norrbin
High-Energy-Physics Event Generation with PYTHIA 6.1
LU TP 00-30, hep-ph/0010017 (submitted to Computer Physics Communications) [ abs, ps ] - C. Friberg and T. Sjöstrand
Total Cross Sections and Event Properties from Real to Virtual Photons
LU TP 00-29, hep-ph/0007314 (to appear in J. High Energy Phys.) [ abs, ps ] - B. Dressler, M. Maul, C. Weiss
Higher-Twist Contributions to FL and F2 from Instantons
LU TP 00-28 ( Contribution to The Proceedings of DIS 2000, Liverpool, April 25 - 30, 2000 ) [ abs, ps ] - H. Jung, L. Lönnblad
Monte Carlo generators and the CCFM equation
LU TP 00-27 [ abs, ps ] - D. Diakonov, M. Maul
Do Instantons of the CP(N-1) Model Melt?
LU TP 00-26, hep-ph/0006006 (to appear in The Proceedings of the International Workshop on Nonperturbative Methods and lattice QCD, Guangzhou) [ abs, ps ] - J. Bijnens, M. Maul
Large Extra Dimensions in Rare Decays
LU TP 00-25, hep-ph/0006042 [ abs, ps ] - M. Bertini, L. Lönnblad, T. Sjöstrand
Pythia version 7-0.0 - a proof-of-concept version
LU TP 00-23 [ abs, ps ] - Johan Bijnens(Lund), Joaquim Prades (Granada)
epsilon'/epsilon in the Chiral Limit
UG FT/00-114 , hep-ph/0005189 (JHEP 0006 (2000) 035) [ abs, ps ] - Bo Andersson, Fredrik Söderberg
The Diagonalisation of the Lund Fragmentation Model I
LU TP 99-32, hep-ph/9910374 (European Physical Journal C 16,303-310 (2000)) [ abs, ps ] - E. Norrbin, T. Sjöstrand
Production and Hadronization of Heavy Quarks
LU TP 00-16, hep-ph/0005110 (to appear in the European Physical Journal C) [ abs, ps ] - C. Friberg
Total Cross Sections with Virtual Photons
LU TP 00-15, hep-ph/0005048 (to appear in The Proceedings of the LEP2 Workshop on Monte Carlo generators, 2000) [ abs, ps ] - Gabriel Amoros (Helsinki,Lund), Johan Bijnens (Lund), Pere Talavera (Orsay)
$K_{\ell 4}$ Form-Factors and $\pi$-$\pi$ Scattering
LU TP 00-11 , hep-ph/0003258 (Nucl.Phys. B585 (2000) 293-352) [ abs, ps ] - E. Norrbin, R. Vogt
Bottom Production Asymmetries at the LHC
LU TP 00-10, LBNL-45275, hep-ph/0003056 (to appear in The proceedings of the CERN 1999 Workshop on SM physics (and more) at the LHC )
[ abs, ps ] - P. Hoyer, M. Maul, A. Metz
Semi-Exclusive Production of Photons at HERA
LU TP 00-09, NORDITA-2000/20 HE, DAPNIA/SPHN-00-11,hep-ph/0003257 [ abs, ps ] - M. Maul
Semi-classical Description of Exclusive Meson Pair Production in $\gamma^*\gamma$ Scattering
LU TP 00-08, hep-ph/0003254 [ abs, ps ] - B.E. Cox, K. Goulianos, L. Lönnblad, J.J. Whitmore
Outstanding problems in the phenomenology of hard diffractive scattering
LU TP 00-05 [ abs, ps ] - B.E. Cox, J.R. Forshaw, L. Lönnblad
Is BFKL ruled out by the Tevatron gaps between jets data?
LU TP 00-04 [ abs, ps ] - H. Jung, L. Lönnblad
Some comments on the current status of event generators for small-x
LU TP 00-03 [ abs, ps ] - J. Dischler
Master Thesis: A Model for the Colour Form Factor of the Proton
LU TP 00-01 [ abs, ps ]