Degree projects - ATLAS
Bachelor and Master projects
ATLAS experiment at CERN
The ATLAS experiment is one of the two largest experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. ATLAS is designed to search for new particles in proton-proton collisions at this world's most powerful accelerator, which saw first particle collisions in late 2009. Together with another large experiment (CMS), ATLAS announced the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012.
The Lund group is deeply involved in studying the experimental signatures of several models with the potential to solve the open questions of the Standard Model of Particle Physics, and reach beyond it.
In order to detect well-hidden signals, we also develop advanced software tools and computing techniques, which can be generalised beyond ATLAS.
Standard model, detector development and performance
Plenty of potential topics related to particle identification and detector measurements, for instance:
- Calibration of a detector (LUCID; TRT)
- Detector development (iTK)
- Studies of jet fragmentation
- Studies of lepton isolation
- Search for charge misidentification for muons
- Studying the higgs to 4 leptons signal
- Diboson cross sections
Analysis of exotic signals
New physics is expected to show up but there are many competing models, such as super-symmetry, extra dimensions, black holes, 4th generation fermions, multiple higgs bosons, and many more. Pick your favorite model and study the final states with leptons, jets, and missing energy needed to discover (or exclude) it. Study signal extraction and background suppression techniques for the different channels.
- Select one of the new physics models and study the distinction between SM and exotic physics
- Optimization of selection cuts for an exotics signal. For instance supersymmetry, doubly charged higgs
- Applying advanced analysis techniques (multivariate, neural nets etc) to create new discriminating variables
- Sensitivity studies for the SHIP experiment
- Muon stopping / background shielding, SHIP experiment
- Dark Matter searches
Software and computing
We focus on improvement of existing ATLAS tools for analysis and detector modelling, development of new approaches, as well as development of solution for distributed computing for ATLAS, other Particle Physics experiments, and other research applications. See projects in computing for details.