Leif Lönnblad
QCD Phenomenology and Monte Carlo Event Generators.
Theoretical Particle Physics (FYTN18) and (Exploring) the Scientific Method (MNXA19/MNXA29)
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Simulation of e+e− annihilation with quark spin effects
A. Kerbizi, L. Lönnblad, A. Martin
(2024) Proceedings of Science, 456
Conference paperNon-relativistic quantum chromodynamics in parton showers
Naomi Cooke, Philip Ilten, Leif Lönnblad, Stephen Mrenna
(2024) European Physical Journal C, 84
Journal articleThe dynamic hadronization of charm quarks in heavy-ion collisions
Christian Bierlich, Gösta Gustafson, Leif Lönnblad, Harsh Shah
(2024) European Physical Journal C, 84
Journal articleEvent generators for high-energy physics experiments
J.M. Campbell, C. Bierlich, S. Chakraborty, R. Frederix, L. Gellersen, et al.
(2024) SciPost Physics, 16
Journal articleBaryon correlations in Pythia
Leif Lönnblad, Harsh Shah
(2023) European Physical Journal C, 83
Journal articleExtending StringSpinner to handle vector-meson spin
Albi Kerbizi, Leif Lönnblad
(2023) Computer Physics Communications, 292
Journal articleA spatially constrained QCD colour reconnection in pp , p A , and AA collisions in the Pythia8/Angantyr model
Leif Lönblad, Harsh Shah
(2023) European Physical Journal C, 83
Journal articleA standard convention for particle-level Monte Carlo event-variation weights
Enrico Bothmann, Andy Buckley, Christian Gütschow, Stefan Prestel, Marek Schönherr, et al.
(2023) SciPost Physics Core, 6
Journal articleImpact of string interactions on the space–time evolution of hadronic vertices
Smita Chakraborty, Leif Lönnblad
(2023) European Physical Journal C, 83
Journal articleStrangeness enhancement across collision systems without a plasma
Christian Bierlich, Smita Chakraborty, Gösta Gustafson, Leif Lönnblad
(2022) Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 835
Journal articleJet modifications from colour rope formation in dense systems of non-parallel strings
Christian Bierlich, Smita Chakraborty, Gösta Gustafson, Leif Lönnblad
(2022) SciPost Physics, 13
Journal articleStringSpinner - adding spin to the PYTHIA string fragmentation
Albi Kerbizi, Leif Lönnblad
(2022) Computer Physics Communications, 272
Journal articleHyperfine splitting effects in string hadronization
Christian Bierlich, Leif Lönnblad, Gösta Gustafson, Smita Chakraborty
(2022) European Physical Journal C. Particles and Fields
Journal articleA comprehensive guide to the physics and usage of PYTHIA 8.3
Christian Bierlich, Smita Chakraborty, Nishita Desai, Leif Gellersen, Ilkka Helenius, et al.
(2022) SciPost Physics
Journal articleAdding quark spin effects to PYTHIA string fragmentation
Albi Kerbizi, Leif Lönnblad
(2022) Proceedings of Science, 414
Conference paperChallenges in Monte Carlo Event Generator Software for High-Luminosity LHC
Andrea Valassi, Efe Yazgan, Josh McFayden, Simone Amoroso, Joshua Bendavid, et al.
(2021) Computing and Software for Big Science, 5
Journal articleThe Angantyr model for heavy ions in Pythia8
Leif Lönnblad
(2021) Nuclear Physics A, 1005
Journal articleSetting the string shoving picture in a new frame
Christian Bierlich, Smita Chakraborty, Gösta Gustafson, Leif Lönnblad
(2021) Journal of High Energy Physics
Journal articleThe HepMC3 event record library for Monte Carlo event generators
Andy Buckley, Philip Ilten, Dmitri Konstantinov, Leif Lönnblad, James Monk, et al.
(2021) Computer Physics Communications, 260
Journal articleConfronting experimental data with heavy-ion models : Rivet for heavy ions
Christian Bierlich, Andy Buckley, Christian Holm Christensen, Peter Harald Lindenov Christiansen, Cody B. Duncan, et al.
(2020) European Physical Journal C, 80
Journal articleFour-jet double parton scattering production in proton-nucleus collisions within the pythia 8 framework
Oleh Fedkevych, Leif Lönnblad
(2020) Physical Review D, 102
Journal articleQCD challenges from pp to A–A collisions
J. Adolfsson, A. Andronic, C. Bierlich, P. Bozek, S. Chakraborty, et al.
(2020) European Physical Journal A, 56
Journal article reviewRobust independent validation of experiment and theory : RIVET version 3
Christian Bierlich, Andy Buckley, Jonathan Butterworth, Christian Holm Christensen, Louie Corpe, et al.
(2020) SciPost Physics, 8
Journal articleDipoles in Impact Parameter Space and Rapidity
Gösta Gustafson, Leif Lönnblad
(2019) Advanced Series on Directions in High Energy Physics, 29 p.359-376
Book chapterModelling pp, pA and AA in Pythia8
Leif Lönnblad
(2019) EPJ Web of Conferences, 208 p.11003-11003
Journal articleMonte Carlo event generators for high energy particle physics event simulation
Andy Buckley, Frank Krauss, Simon Plätzer, Michael Seymour, Simone Alioli, et al.
PreprintCollectivity without plasma in hadronic collisions
Christian Bierlich, Gösta Gustafson, Leif Lönnblad
(2018) Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 779 p.58-63
Journal articleLes Houches 2017: Physics at TeV Colliders Standard Model Working Group Report
Jeppe R. Andersen, Johannes Bellm, J Bendavid, N Berger, Leif Lönnblad, et al.
(2018) arXiv.org, 1803
PreprintMerging high energy with soft and collinear logarithms using HEJ and PYTHIA
Jeppe R. Andersen, Helen M. Brooks, Leif Lönnblad
(2018) Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018
Journal articleThe Angantyr model for heavy-ion collisions in Pythia8
Christian Bierlich, Gösta Gustafson, Leif Lönnblad, Harsh Shah
(2018) Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018
Journal articleSystematics of quark/gluon tagging
Philippe Gras, Stefan Höche, Deepak Kar, Andrew Larkoski, Leif Lönnblad, et al.
(2017) Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017
Journal articleGeneration of central exclusive final states
Leif Lönnblad, Radek Zlebcik
(2016) European Physical Journal C. Particles and Fields, 76
Journal articleDiffractive and non-diffractive wounded nucleons and final states in pA collisions
Christian Bierlich, Gösta Gustafson, Leif Lönnblad
(2016) Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016
Journal articleLes Houches 2015: Physics at TeV Colliders Standard Model Working Group Report
Rikkert Frederix, Leif Lönnblad, Stefan Prestel, Korinna Zapp, Jeppe Andersen, et al.
ReportA shoving model for collectivity in hadronic collisions
Christian Bierlich, Gösta Gustafson, Leif Lönnblad
(2016) arXiv.org, 1612
Journal articleContribution of indoor-generated particles to residential exposure
Christina Isaxon, Anders Gudmundsson, Erik Nordin, Leif Lönnblad, Andreas Dahl, et al.
(2015) Atmospheric Environment, 106 p.458-466
Journal articleEffects of overlapping strings in pp collisions
Christian Bierlich, Gösta Gustafson, Leif Lönnblad, Andrey Tarasov
(2015) Journal of High Energy Physics
Journal articleTotal, inelastic and (quasi-)elastic cross sections of high energy pA and γ$^{⋆}$ A reactions with the dipole formalism
Gösta Gustafson, Leif Lönnblad, András Ster, Tamás Csörgő
(2015) Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015
Journal articleLes Houches 2013: Physics at TeV Colliders: Standard Model Working Group Report
Jeppe R. Andersen, Rikkert Frederix, Leif Lönnblad, Korinna Zapp
ReportContribution of indoor generated submicrometer particles to residential exposure
Christina Isaxon, Anders Gudmundsson, Erik Nordin, Leif Lönnblad, Andreas Dahl, et al.
(2014) , p.64-67
Conference paperLes Houches 2013: Physics at TeV Colliders: Standard Model Working Group Report
J. Butterworth, G. Dissertori, S. Dittmaier, D. de Florian, N. Glover, et al.
Conference paperRivet user manual
Andy Buckley, Jonathan Butterworth, David Grellscheid, Hendrik Hoeth, Leif Lönnblad, et al.
(2013) Computer Physics Communications, 184 p.2803-2819
Journal articleFooling around with the Sudakov veto algorithm
Leif Lönnblad
(2013) European Physical Journal C. Particles and Fields, 73
Journal articleMerging multi-leg NLO matrix elements with parton showers
Leif Lönnblad, Stefan Prestel
(2013) Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013
Journal articleUnitarising matrix element + parton shower merging
Leif Lönnblad, Stefan Prestel
(2013) Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013 p.31-094
Journal articleMatching tree-level matrix elements with interleaved showers
Leif Lönnblad, Stefan Prestel
(2012) Journal of High Energy Physics
Journal articleExclusive final states in diffractive excitation
Christoffer Flensburg, Gösta Gustafson, Leif Lönnblad
(2012) Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012
Journal articleThe SM and NLO Multileg and SM MC Working Groups: Summary Report
J. Alcaraz Maestre, Leif Lönnblad, Korinna Zapp
(2012) Proceedings, 7th Les Houches Workshop on Physics at TeV Colliders: Les Houches, France, May 30-June 17, 2011 , p.1-220
Conference paperGeneral-purpose event generators for LHC physics
Andy Buckley, Jonathan Butterworth, Stefan Gieseke, David Grellscheid, Stefan Hoeche, et al.
(2011) Physics Reports, 504 p.145-233
Journal article reviewCorrelations in double parton distributions at small x
Christoffer Flensburg, Gösta Gustafson, Leif Lönnblad, Andras Ster
(2011) Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011 p.1-21
Journal articleA Parton Shower for High Energy Jets
Jeppe Andersen, Leif Lönnblad, Jennifer Smillie
(2011) Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011 p.1-23
Journal articleInclusive and exclusive observables from dipoles in high energy collisions
Christoffer Flensburg, Gösta Gustafson, Leif Lönnblad
(2011) Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011
Journal articleTHE TOOLS AND MONTE CARLO WORKING GROUP Summary Report from the Les Houches 2009 Workshop on TeV Colliders
J. M. Butterworth, Leif Lönnblad, Torbjörn Sjöstrand, Peter Skands
(2010) Physics at TeV colliders. Proceedings, 6th Workshop, dedicated to Thomas Binoth, Les Houches, France, June 8-26, 2009
Conference paperElastic and quasi-elastic pp and gamma * p scattering in the dipole model
Christoffer Flensburg, Gösta Gustafson, Leif Lönnblad
(2009) European Physical Journal C. Particles and Fields, 60 p.233-247
Journal articleMulti-Jet Final States and Energy Flows
Conference publicationThePEG Toolkit for High Energy Physics Event Generation
Leif Lönnblad
(2009) [Host publication title missing] , p.733-736
Conference paperCKKW merging at NLO
Leif Lönnblad
(2009) Proceedings, 17th International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects (DIS 2009): Madrid, Spain, April 26-30, 2009 , p.98-98
Conference paperComparative study of various algorithms for the merging of parton showers and matrix elements in hadronic collisions
J. Alwall, S. Hoeche, F. Krauss, Nils Lavesson, Leif Lönnblad, et al.
(2008) European Physical Journal C. Particles and Fields, 53 p.473-500
Journal articleExtending CKKW-merging to One-Loop Matrix Elements
Nils Lavesson, Leif Lönnblad
(2008) Journal of High Energy Physics, 12
Journal articleMerging parton showers and matrix elements -- back to basics
Nils Lavesson, Leif Lönnblad
(2008) Journal of High Energy Physics, 4
Journal articleDiffractive and elastic scattering in the dipole model
Leif Lonnblad
(2008) Acta Physica Polonica B, Proceedings Supplement, 1 p.485-488
Journal articleCEDAR: Progress and status report
A. Buckley, J. M. Butterworth, L. Lonnblad, J. W. Monk, E. Nurse, et al.
(2008) Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 119
Journal articleWhat HERA may provide?
Hannes Jung, Albert De Roeck, J Bartels, J. Blümlein, Stanley J. Brodsky, et al.
(2008) Proceedings, 16th International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects (DIS 2008): London, UK, April 7-11, 2008 , p.17-17
Conference paperA standard format for Les Houches Event Files
J. Alwall, A. Ballestrero, P. Bartalini, S. Belov, E. Boos, et al.
(2007) Computer Physics Communications, 176 p.300-304
Journal articleString effects on Fermi-Dirac correlation measurements
R. M. Duran Delgado, Gösta Gustafson, Leif Lönnblad
(2007) European Physical Journal C. Particles and Fields, 52 p.113-119
Journal articleHZTool and Rivet: Toolkit and Framework for the Comparison of Simulated Final States and Data at Colliders.
B.M. Waugh, Hannes Jung, A Buckley, Leif Lönnblad, J.M. Butterworth, et al.
(2007) IEEE transactions on nuclear science
Conference paperDiffractive Excitation in DIS and pp Collisions
Emil Avsar, Gösta Gustafson, Leif Lönnblad
(2007) Journal of High Energy Physics, 0712
Journal articleTHEPEG, HERWIG++ and ARIADNE
Leif Lönnblad
(2007) Deep Inelastic Scattering , p.503-506
Conference paperThePEG, Herwig plus plus and Ariadne
Leif Lönnblad
(2007) Deep Inelastic Scattering , p.503-506
Conference paperHans-Uno Bengtsson - Docent i teoretisk fysik och folkbildare, dog den 18 maj 2007, 54 år gammal
Johan Bijnens, Gösta Gustafson, Anders Irbäck, Leif Lönnblad, Carsten Peterson, et al.
OtherSmall-x dipole evolution beyond the large-N-c limit
Emil Avsar, Gösta Gustafson, Leif Lönnblad
(2007) Journal of High Energy Physics
Journal articleClassical and non-classical ADD-phenomenology with high-E-perpendicular to jet observables at collider experiments
Leif Lönnblad, Malin Sjödahl
(2006) Journal of High Energy Physics
Journal articleThePEG, PYTHIA7, HERWIG ++ and ARIADNE
Leif Lönnblad
(2006) Proceedings of the X International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research - ACAT 05 (Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment), 559 p.246-248
Conference paperSmall-x phenomenology - Summary of the 3rd Lund small-x workshop in 2004
J. R. Andersen, S. Baranov, J. Bartels, G. G. Barnafoldi, G. Chachamis, et al.
(2006) European Physical Journal C. Particles and Fields, 48 p.53-105
Journal article reviewIntroduction to multi-jet final states and energy flows
C Buttar, J Butterworth, V Khoze, Leif Lönnblad, N Tuning
(2006) CERN Reports, CERN-2005-014 p.183-191
Conference paperTHEPEG: Toolkit for High Energy Physics Event Generation
Leif Lönnblad
(2005) CERN Reports, CERN-2005-014 p.582-584
Conference paperForward jets and multiple interactions
Leif Lönnblad, J Turnau
(2005) CERN Reports, CERN-2005-014 p.218-220
Conference paperUncertainties on central exclusive scalar luminosities from the unintegrated gluon distributions.
Leif Lönnblad, Malin Sjödahl
(2005) Journal of High Energy Physics, 5
Journal articleEnergy conservation and saturation in small-x evolution
Emil Avsar, Gösta Gustafson, Leif Lönnblad
(2005) Journal of High Energy Physics
Journal articleQCD-supression by black hole production at the LHC
Leif Lönnblad, Malin Sjödahl, Torsten Åkesson
(2005) Journal of High Energy Physics
Journal articleUnintegrated parton density functions
J Collins, M Diehl, Hannes Jung, Leif Lönnblad, M Lublisnky, et al.
(2005) CERN Reports, CERN-2005-014 p.256-273
Conference paperMatching Parton Showers and Matrix Elements
Stefan Hoeche, Frank Krauss, Nils Lavesson, Leif Lönnblad, Michelangelo Mangano, et al.
(2005) CERN Reports, CERN-2005-014 p.288-299
Conference paperAriadne at HERA and at the LHC
Leif Lönnblad
(2005) CERN Reports, CERN-2005-014 p.592-595
Conference paperMonte Carlo generators
Leif Lönnblad
(2005) Acta Physica Polonica. Series B: Elementary Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics, Statistical Physics, Theory of Relativity, Field Theory, 36 p.401-408
Journal articleHERA and the LHC: A Workshop on the implications of HERA for LHC physics
S. Alekhin, Nils Lavesson, Leif Lönnblad, Torbjörn Sjöstrand
(2005) CERN-2005-014 , p.1-632
Conference paperCEDAR
A Buckley, J.M. Butterworth, S Butterworth, Leif Lönnblad, W.J. Stirling, et al.
(2005) CERN Reports, CERN-2005-014 p.621-623
Conference paperW+jets matrix elements and the dipole cascade
Nils Lavesson, Leif Lönnblad
(2005) Journal of High Energy Physics, 7
Journal articleIntroduction to multi-jet final states and energy flows
Craig Buttar, Jon Butterworth, Valery Khoze, Leif Lönnblad, Niels Tuning
(2005) HERA and the LHC: A Workshop on the implications of HERA for LHC physics: Proceedings Part A , p.183-191
Conference paperCentral exclusive scalar luminosities from the linked dipole chain model gluon densities
Leif Lönnblad, Malin Sjödahl
(2004) Journal of High Energy Physics
Journal articleSmall-x phenomenology - summary and status 2002
JR Andersen, S Baranov, J Collins, Y Dokshitzer, L Goerlich, et al.
(2004) European Physical Journal C. Particles and Fields, 35 p.67-98
Journal article reviewUnintegrated gluon densities in the LDC model
Leif Lönnblad
(2004) [Host publication title missing], I p.344-347
Conference paperThePEG, Pythia7 and Ariadne
Leif Lönnblad
(2004) [Host publication title missing], II p.668-671
Conference paperStudy of the linked dipole chain model in heavy quark production at the Tevatron
AV Lipatov, Leif Lönnblad, NP Zotov
(2004) Journal of High Energy Physics
Journal articleStatus of the PYTHIA7 project
Leif Lönnblad
(2003) Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment, 502 p.549-551
Journal articleHadronic collisions in the linked dipole chain model
Gösta Gustafson, Leif Lönnblad, Gabriela Miu
(2003) Physical Review D (Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology), 67:034020
Journal articlePYTHIA 6.3 Physics and Manual
Torbjörn Sjöstrand, Leif Lönnblad, Stephen Mrenna, Peter Skands
(2003) hep-ph/0308153
ReportLes Houches Guidebook to Monte Carlo Generators for Hadron Collider Physics
H Baer, Leif Lönnblad, Torbjörn Sjöstrand, Peter Skands, et al
(2003) , p.411-459
Conference paperGluon distribution functions in the k(perpendicular to) -factorization approach
Gösta Gustafson, Leif Lönnblad, Gabriela Miu
(2002) Journal of High Energy Physics
Journal articleModeling diffractive final states
Leif Lönnblad
(2002) Acta Physica Polonica B, 33 p.3231-3236
Conference paperMulti-hadron final states
Leif Lönnblad, J Repond, M Zielinski
(2002) Acta Physica Polonica B, 33 p.3329-3347
Conference paperSmall x phenomenology: summary and status
Bo Andersson, S Baranov, J Bartels, M Ciafaloni, J Collins, et al.
(2002) European Physical Journal C. Particles and Fields, 25 p.77-101
Journal article reviewCombining matrix elements and the dipole cascade model
Leif Lönnblad
(2002) Acta Physica Polonica B, 33 p.3171-3176
Conference paperHadronic final state predictions from CCFM generators
Leif Lönnblad, Hannes Jung
(2002) The Science and Culture Series , p.467-470
Conference paperThe QCD / SM working group: Summary report
Walter Giele, Leif Lönnblad, Torbjörn Sjöstrand
(2002) Workshop On Physics At TeV Colliders , p.275-426
Conference paperCorrecting the colour-dipole cascade model with fixed order matrix elements
Leif Lönnblad
(2002) Journal of High Energy Physics
Journal articleThe QCD / SM working group: Summary report
Walter Giele, E.W.N. Glover, I. Hinchliffe, J. J. Huston, Eric Laenen, et al.
(2002) Physics at TeV colliders. Proceedings, Euro Summer School, Les Houches, France, May 21-June 1, 2001 , p.275-426
Conference paperHigh-energy-physics event generation with PYTHIA 6.1
Torbjörn Sjöstrand, Patrik Edén, Christer Friberg, Leif Lönnblad, Gabriela Miu, et al.
(2001) Computer Physics Communications, 135 p.238-259
Journal articlePYTHIA version 7-0.0 - a proof-of-concept version
Marc Bertini, Leif Lönnblad, Torbjörn Sjöstrand
(2001) Computer Physics Communications, 134 p.365-391
Journal articleMatching the dipole cascade model with fixed order matrix elements
Leif Lönnblad
(2001) Computational particle physics. Proceedings, 2nd CPP Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, November 27-30, 2001 , p.129-133
Conference paperTESLA: The superconducting electron positron linear collider with an integrated X-ray laser laboratory. Technical design report. Pt. 6: Appendices. Chapter 2: THERA: Electron proton scattering at s**(1/2) approximately 1-TeV
H. Abramowicz, Leif Lönnblad
(2001) DESY Report
Journal articleGeneric user process interface for event generators
E. Boos, M. Dobbs, Walter Giele, I. Hinchliffe, J. Huston, et al.
(2001) Physics at TeV colliders. Proceedings, Euro Summer School, Les Houches, France, May 21-June 1, 2001
Conference paperSmall x physics and forward jet production at THERA
Hannes Jung, Leif Lönnblad
(2001) ArXiv e-prints
Conference paperSome comments on the current status of event generators for small-x
H. Jung, Leif Lönnblad
(2000) Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 26 p.707-711
Journal articleHard color singlet exchange at the Tevatron
B. E. Cox, Jeffrey R. Forshaw, Leif Lönnblad
(2000) Deep inelastic scattering. Proceedings, 8th International Workshop, DIS 2000, Liverpool, UK, April 25-30, 2000 , p.577-579
Conference paperOutstanding problems in the phenomenology of hard diffractive scattering
B. E. Cox, Konstantin A. Goulianos, L. Lonnblad, J. J. Whitmore
(2000) Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 26 p.667-671
Journal articleWhat is the experimental evidence for the BFKL pomeron?
B. E. Cox, Jeffrey R. Forshaw, Leif Lönnblad
(2000) From e^+ e^- to Heavy Ion Collisions : Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD 2000), Tihany, Hungary, October 9-15, 2000 , p.86-92
Conference paperReports of the Working Groups on Precision Calculations for LEP2 Physics: Proceedings. Report of the QCD working group
A. Ballestrero, Leif Lönnblad, Torbjörn Sjöstrand, B.R. Webber
(2000) In *Geneva 1999/2000, Reports of the working groups on precision calculation for LEP2 physics* 137-218
Conference paperMonte Carlo generators and the CCFM equation
Hannes Jung, Leif Lönnblad
(2000) , p.297-300
Conference paperLDCMC version1.0
H Kharraziha, Leif Lönnblad
(1999) Computer Physics Communications, 123 p.153-163
Journal articleDevelopment strategies for PYTHIA version 7
Leif Lonnblad
(1999) Computer Physics Communications, 118 p.213-228
Journal articleSummary of activities in the working group on QCD cascades of the HERA Monte Carlo workshop
Nick Brook, Leif Lonnblad
(1999) Monte Carlo generators for HERA physics. Proceedings, Workshop, Hamburg, Germany, 1998-1999 , p.3-9
Conference paperIs BFKL ruled out by the Tevatron gaps between jets data?
B. E. Cox, Jeffrey R. Forshaw, L. Lonnblad
(1999) QCD and weak boson physics in Run II. Proceedings, Batavia, USA, March 4-6, June 3-4, November 4-6, 1999
Conference paperThe Color dipole model and the ARIADNE program at high Q**2
Leif Lonnblad
(1999) Monte Carlo generators for HERA physics. Proceedings, Workshop, Hamburg, Germany, 1998-1999 , p.47-50
Conference paperNew and old jet clustering algorithms for electron-positron events
Stefano Moretti, Leif Lönnblad, Torbjörn Sjöstrand
(1998) Journal of High Energy Physics, 1998
Journal articleThe linked dipole chain Monte Carlo
Hamid Kharraziha, Leif Lönnblad
(1998) Journal of High Energy Physics, 3
Journal articleFinal-state properties in the LDC Monte Carlo
L. Lonnblad
(1998) Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering and QCD (DIS 98): Brussels, Belgium, April 4-8, 1998 , p.548-552
Conference paperSome comments on event generators for deeply inelastic e gamma scattering
L. Lonnblad
(1998) Photon interactions and the photon structure. Proceedings, Workshop, Lund, Sweden, September 10-13, 1998 , p.197-201
Conference paperModeling Bose-Einstein correlations at LEP-2
Leif Lönnblad, Torbjörn Sjöstrand
(1998) European Physical Journal C, 2 p.165-180
Journal articleGenerating heavy quarkonia in a perturbative QCD cascade
Per Ernstrom, Leif Lonnblad
(1997) Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields, 75 p.51-56
Journal articleTuning MC models to fit DIS e gamma scattering events
J. A. Lauber, L. Lonnblad, M. H. Seymour
(1997) arXiv.org
Journal articleEvolution effects in Z0 fragmentation into charmonium
P. Ernström, L. Lonnblad, M. Vänttinen
(1997) Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields, 76 p.515-521
Journal articleReconnecting colored dipoles
Leif Lonnblad
(1996) Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields, 70 p.107-113
Journal articleThe LDC event generator
G. Gustafson, H. Kharraziha, L. Lonnblad
(1996) Future physics at HERA. Proceedings, Workshop, Hamburg, Germany, September 25, 1995-May 31, 1996. Vol. 1, 2 , p.620-624
Conference paperJets and high E(T) phenomena
Martin Erdmann, Dirk Graudenz, Leif Lonnblad, Katsuo Tokushuku
(1996) Future physics at HERA. Proceedings, Workshop, Hamburg, Germany, September 25, 1995-May 31, 1996. Vol. 1, 2 , p.500-508
Conference paperColor reconnections and rapidity gaps
Leif Lonnblad
(1996) Measurement Science & Technology, 22 p.947-949
Journal articleSmall x effects in W + jets production at the Tevatron
Leif Lonnblad
(1996) Nuclear Physics B, 458 p.215-228
Journal articleGamma gamma physics
P. Aurenche, Leif Lönnblad, Torbjörn Sjöstrand
(1996) 2nd CERN Workshop on LEP2 Physics Geneva, Switzerland, June 15-16, 1995 , p.291-348
Conference paperDetermination of the mass of the $W$ boson
Z. Kunszt, Leif Lönnblad, Torbjörn Sjöstrand
(1996) 2nd CERN Workshop on LEP2 Physics Geneva, Switzerland, June 15-16, 1995 , p.141-205
Conference paperBose-Einstein effects and W mass determinations
Leif Lönnblad, Torbjörn Sjöstrand
(1995) Physics Letters B, 351 p.293-301
Journal articleThe Physics case for a forward detector upgrade
H. Abramowicz, Leif Lönnblad
(1995) Future physics at HERA. Proceedings, Workshop, Hamburg, Germany, September 25, 1995-May 31, 1996. Vol. 1, 2
Conference paperRapidity gaps and other final state properties in the color dipole model for deep inelastic scattering
Leif Lonnblad
(1995) Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields, 65 p.285-291
Journal articlePhoton radiation in the dipole model and in the Ariadne program
L. Lonnblad
(1995) Photon '95. Proceedings, 10th International Workshop on Gamma Gamma Collisions and Related Processes, Sheffield, UK, April 8-13, 1995 , p.443-447
Conference paperHZTOOL: A package for Monte Carlo-data comparison at HERA (version 1.0)
J. Bromley, N. Brook, A. Bunyatyan, T. Carli, Guenter Grindhammer, et al.
(1995) Future physics at HERA. Proceedings, Workshop, Hamburg, Germany, September 25, 1995-May 31, 1996. Vol. 1, 2
Conference papergamma gamma event generators
Leif Lönnblad, Torbjörn Sjöstrand
(1995) 2nd CERN Workshop on LEP2 Physics Geneva, Switzerland, June 15-16, 1995 , p.187-228
Conference paperCLHEP: A project for designing a C++ class library for high-energy physics
Leif Lonnblad
(1994) Computer Physics Communications, 84 p.307-316
Journal articleJETNET 3.0-A versatile artificial neural network package
Carsten Peterson, Thorsteinn Rögnvaldsson, Leif Lönnblad
(1994) Computer Physics Communications, 81 p.185-220
Journal articleARCLUS: A New jet clustering algorithm inspired by the color dipole model
L. Lonnblad
(1993) Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields, 58 p.471-478
Journal articlePattern recognition in high energy physics with artificial neural networks - JETNET 2.0
Leif Lönnblad, Carsten Peterson, Thorsteinn Rögnvalsson
(1992) Computer Physics Communications, 70 p.167-182
Journal articleMass reconstruction with a neural network
L. Lönnblad, C. Peterson, T. Rögnvaldsson
(1992) Physics Letters B, 278 p.181-186
Journal articleA String dynamical description of gluon and ocean quark structure functions
Bo Andersson, Leif Lonnblad
(1992) Physics Letters B, 277 p.359-365
Journal articleARIADNE version 4: A Program for simulation of QCD cascades implementing the color dipole model
Leif Lonnblad
(1992) Computer Physics Communications, 71 p.15-31
Journal articleThe MC++ event generator toolkit: Version 0
Leif Lonnblad, Anders Nilsson
(1992) Computer Physics Communications, 71 p.1-14
Journal articleHeretical structure functions
Bo Andersson, Leif Lonnblad
(1992) Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 29 p.36-43
Journal articleStatus of MC++ Event Generator Toolkit
L. Lonnblad
(1992) 6th International Conference on Computing in High-Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP 1992) Annecy, France, Sept 21-25, 1992 , p.531-534
Conference paperQCD cascades in deep inelastic scattering
N. Brook, G. Ingelman, L. Lonnblad
(1992) Workshop on Physics at HERA Hamburg, Germany, October 29-30, 1991 , p.0275-284
Conference paperRenormalization scales in electroweak physics: and Photon radiation in the dipole model and in the Ariadne program
Bernd A. Kniehl, Leif Lonnblad
(1992) Workshop on Photon Radiation from Quarks Annecy, France, December 2-3, 1991 , p.109-112
Conference paperMonte Carlo event generation for future super colliders
L. Lonnblad
(1992) Ettore Majorana International Science Series (EMISS), 60 p.253-259
Book chapterSelf-organizing networks for extracting jet features
Leif Lönnblad, Carsten Peterson, Hong Pi, Thorsteinn Rögnvaldsson
(1991) Computer Physics Communications, 67 p.193-209
Journal articleUsing neural networks to identify jets
Leif Lönnblad, Carsten Peterson, Thorsteinn Rögnvaldsson
(1991) Nuclear Physics, Section B, 349 p.675-702
Journal articleReport of the heavy flavors working group
R. Barlow, Olof Bärring, Susan Cartwright, Paul Dauncey, Gunnar Ingelman, et al.
(1991) Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 17 p.1605-1623
Journal articleParticle production and decays in an object oriented formulation
Richard Blankenbecler, Leif Lonnblad
(1991) Part. World, 2
Journal articleThe Color dipole cascade model and the Ariadne program
Leif Lonnblad
(1991) MC 91: Detector and event simulation in high-energy physics. Proceedings, Workshop, Amsterdam, Netherlands, April 8-12, 1991 , p.0527-538
Conference paperA Phenomenological Investigation of the String Effect
Valery A. Khoze, Leif Lonnblad
(1990) Physics Letters B, 241 p.123-126
Journal articleThe flavouring of a gluon jet
Bo Andersson, Gosta Gustafson, Leif Lonnblad
(1990) Physics Letters B, 236 p.461-465
Journal articleUsing neural networks to identify jets in hadron hadron collisions
Pushpalatha Bhat, Leif Lonnblad, Karlheinz Meier, Katsuhito Sugano
(1990) 1990 DPF Summer Study on High-energy Physics: Research Directions for the Decade (Snowmass 90) Snowmass, Colorado, June 25-July 13, 1990 , p.0168-173
Conference paperFinding Gluon Jets With a Neural Trigger
Leif Lonnblad, Carsten Peterson, Thorsteinn Rognvaldsson
(1990) Physical Review Letters, 65 p.1321-1324
Journal articleGluon Splitting in the Color Dipole Cascades
Bo Andersson, Gosta Gustafson, Leif Lonnblad
(1990) Nuclear Physics B, 339 p.393-405
Journal articleTwist and finite size effects for the source method
B. Söderberg, Leif Lönnblad
(1989) European Physical Journal C, 42 p.289-296
Journal articleCoherence Effects in Deep Inelastic Scattering
Bo Andersson, Gosta Gustafson, Leif Lonnblad, Ulf Pettersson
(1989) Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields, 43 p.625-632
Journal article