Hannah Herde
Interests: Higgs physics • dark matter searches • solid state tracking detectors • track reconstruction • active teaching methods • digital art • improv
Experimental particle physicist focused on detector physics and instrumentation
I probe the fundamental structure of the universe using the ATLAS Experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN outside Geneva, Switzerland. I am also working on the Light Dark Matter eXperiment, LDMX, which proposes to strike tungsten with an electron beam to try to generate dark matter particles lighter than protons in a laboratory setting. I also draw my own particle cartoons and use improvisational comedy techniques to articulate science concepts.
Physics-inspired art
I enjoy exploring ideas and concepts through drawing - plus, expressing myself artistically is soothing. I work primarily in ProCreate on an iPad.
In 2018, I decided to draw my own set of cartoons illustrating the Standard Model particles for both my professional talks and outreach purposes. I drew inspiration from popular children’s media like Pokemon to make the designs more memorable for younger children. The leptons’ designs in particular are grouped thematically by color and share similar shapes to help younger children classify them in their heads. I plan to use the characters in a children’s book.
FYSN25: Experimental Tools
Learn the fundamentals of electronics. Geared towards physicists looking to learn enough electronics to create tools for experiments with electrical engineers. Studio-style class with hands-on circuit building on breadboards. Co-taught with David Silvermyr (statistics for analysing experiments).
Zotero profile
Profile on Zotero.org including publications to which Hannah Herde has contributed significantly